Summer Race Announcement...This Will Happen

I remember chiming into a thread a while back that yourself and YR were involved in and I mentioned "chest thumping and arrogance" as he(newbie at the time) came across as a "loud mouth arrogant ..." I was right on one count BUT I owe you an apology Jpar.
Throughout threads you take some jabs (and give them back), but I was wrong in your case and I apologize.
I cant believe how YR ignored HIS OWN THREAD, but continues to reiterate googled research and bs.
Man of his word??? Not a man of much from what most of fabo can see.
everybody can see I've quoted yellow rose here so many times but he goes over on to all the other conversations on the forum trying to act like he has some kind of great technical advice to give but can't come back here and explain why he can't keep his promises and can't pay his debts????