another 360/408 over heating

I hope to put the blade fan on this weekend. Weather dont look like it's going to cooperate. But I will be able to check out how it does sitting and surely if it cools sitting, driving should be no problem!

I know many here dont like or believe in electrics fans but they are on every car that is made today. I think if there was a way to draw from the center of the radiator with a tapered shroud that cover the complete radiator core it would look, however that's not possible so it's back to the steel fan. Good thing is that there was no shroud from factory.
Thanks and I will update later this weekend.

Again, today's cars are DESIGNED to use electric fans. There is a ton of engineering that goes into it. Your car was never designed to use junk like that.

You'll be much better off controlling coolant temp then trying to save a few HP with electric fans. The water pump takes way more power to drive than that fan. And the water pump may take up to 10 HP.

I've tested it so many times it's just not funny. You also need to clean up the idle circuit a bit and then cut the shells off the plugs and post some pictures of that so we can see the rest of the tune up.

I'd say right now you can probably drop the main jet 4-6 sizes and open the power valve sooner. Jet with the mains for cruise and use power valve opening and the power valve channel restricters to jet for wide open throttle on the primary side.

I think you'll find you are using too much jet and either have the the throttle blades open too far or you may be able to use a bigger idle air bleed or if you can, use a smaller idle feed restriction. Not sure what carb you have and if you have changeable brass in those places.

If I can find some pictures I'll post up why you need to take the shells off so you can see what you are doing.