A flipper/scammer gets busted

Where is it illegal to carry my shotgun across state lines?
No I don't break laws everyday.

So you don't think a 73 duster with a 71 Dash is a misrepresentation?

In CT anything with a firearm is illegal... Or at least will garner Law Enforcement attention. If you had it on a rack, parked in a parking lot, the cops would come and find you because someone will call them.

Over the years I've found anyone that says "I never break any laws" is living on their own island, lying, or ignorant. If you don't signal for a turn, you broke a law. Rolled a stop sign - broke a law. Parked in front of the food store in the fire lane - broke a law. Own or possess a 50 round magazine in CT - broke a law. Bought .22cal ammo without a CCL in CT - broke a law. Ate a grape while shopping before the grapes get weighed - broke a law. Claimed $20 a week for church donations on your taxes but put in $5 - broke a law. We all do it every day.

In my hypothetical situation - no - it is not misrepresentation. In Tony's video's situation it clearly was. Two different scenarios.