The things people say to sell their car LOL...

Has nice "patina" paint!
That is my favorite one. My buddy (who is about 10 years younger than me) had a 85 dodge 2wd for sale not to long ago it was a nice truck for the money it would have made a very nice project. It had a stout little 318 crager wheels and he listed it as a nice "patina paint" I called him up and asked him wtf does patina paint mean? He said oh that's where the paint has a natural aged look. So I said so you mean rusted? Haha he was like naw not rust just weathered. I was like oh ok so you mean where the clear is peeling and it looks all matte and rusty. He was like yea that. I said man have i got a deal for you. I have a 1994 Chevrolet lumina that the entire paint peeled off in one giant sheet and now there is nothing left but patina primer!! Haha he didnt think it was as funny as I did!!
That was the first time i had ever heard the term patina. Before that it was called "needs and paint job" !