383 Wont Idle with new to me 800cfm DP. Idles and runs ok with Edelbrock/AFB

I can tell you that is wrong. And has always been wrong. I just went on YouTube to try and find the video Mark Whitener made where he proves, with an A/F gauge hooked up that you can open the PV at idle and it makes ZERO difference. You can watch it on the A/F gauge. If you open the PV and the A/F ratio doesn't change it means power valve opening using idle vacuum is wrong. Unless the diaphragm is ruptured the PV won't make a difference at idle

You are only delaying the power enrichment circuit, which is really what the function of the power valve is. They should have called it the economizer valve, but that wouldn't have been as cool. But that's what it does. It only adds fuel for WOT.

If you can find that video it would help. I still can't believe guys are still doing this wrong.