432 vs 360

I'm thinking he leaves in 4 Lo, giving him a 700 gear ratio with 700 horsepower and 7000 rpm's and 4 tires for traction. That may be a tough out in a 0-60 stop light war.

That very well may be his plan, I had a friend that ran in the mud bogs , he had a mustang II on a Dodge Power wagon chassis, had a BB Chevy 500 ci 720 hp dyno , that thing was bad to the bone ,ran 370 something gear ratio , loose converter 8 inch, don't know the weight but very light weight , it would skim across the slop on a good pass. I would bet on him , sorry Cope but it was a well oiled machine , if his friend hasn't had a lot of time to sort it out, I am liking Cope .