Dr Diff Offest Kit With Oval Track Springs

the point is, if the thickness of the main leaf is different then the spring rate is different.

First, that isn't true. The spring rate isn't determined just by the thickness of the main leaf. It depends on the entire spring pack, even the length of the other leafs in the pack makes a difference. It also depends on the spring constant of the steel being used, which depends on the composition of the steel and the heat treat. The main leaf being a different thickness, by itself, doesn't prove the spring rate is different. If the spring constant of the steel is different the thickness of all the leafs could be different and the spring rate could be exactly the same.

And, even if the spring rate is different, what does it prove? All it proves is that the springs aren't meeting the advertised specs, which we already know because they don't work.

even better, if you have some old MP oval track springs, you can measure the main leaf and then the OP that mangled his newer MP springs can measure his main leaf and figure out if that has changed.
I put some MP SS springs on my car a few years ago, i read all the posts about the hecho mexico springs sagging and I was actually hoping mine would level out some. no luck there..

I can measure the AFCO's and the new oval tracks, but again that doesn't really tell us anything important. We already know there's a manufacturing problem.

I don't have a set of the old oval tracks. I wanted a set, but they were out of production when I started buying springs, which is why I got the AFCO 20231M's. You can still buy the chrysler style AFCO's, just not in a 120 lb/in spring rate (next available is 142 lb/in, 20230). The AFCO's went out of production at exactly the same time the Oval Tracks came back. I suspect that's because of a copyright deal, AFCO could make them when MP wasn't. But I don't know that for sure, maybe AFCO just didn't want to compete, or they weren't selling enough for it to matter much. All I know is that whenever the MP oval track springs have been available the AFCO 120 lb/in springs haven't been. And it was literally at the same exact time, I wanted another set of AFCO's. Summit only had one spring left and no one else had any at all. And the MP oval tracks were available again with an estimated ship date dependent on the arrival of the first shipment.