another 360/408 over heating

J par, you posted that once you removed your shroud you do not over heat. Is that sitting still in traffic as well as moving?
Johnny Dart. On post #90 if you go back and read you will see I plan on trying a mechanical fan if there is clearance. Also this car never had a 7 blade fan, the stock one was a 4 blade. Also my timing is at 14/32 as stated in the 1st post so you can be pretty sure that's not the issue.
As for people trying things that aren't factory that's part of the fun of a build. Yes sometimes we may become frustrated and chase our tail but most times we figure it out. I'm not a mopar purist and will never be. I "want" to be able to use electric fans. I personally think they look much better and are much safer plus they dont rob HP. Just my preference.
I dont want the simple things otherwise it would still be a 273 2 bbl.
I've gotten a bunch of really good information from this thread and I'm trying to test not just guess as I work to solving my issue. I also want to document everything as I go so others can see my path to correction and the methods i used.
Thanks for all the help so far, I'm hoping this week I get some time to try the 4 blade fan. If the car then runs cool I will look for another way to make electric fans work.
Thanks Rod
I mean we both don't have to be a mad scientist to know that we're not getting robbed of some kind of crazy amount of horsepower. What it boils down to is just like you said we can make things work just like we see on any other car. Some people want to go on how these cars were designed for a mechanical fan and I say of course they were! No s*** Sherlock. What it boils down to is it's simple heat transfer..
Larger than stock capacity and flowing radiator, and a relatively High CFM and amp draw..