I wasn't sure where to post this, but it IS electrical, so

How about a retrosound radio ? Looks stock. Bolts right in place. has i think MP3 and bluetooth capabilities. Or mount gages in the radio hole, and install a hidden audio box with Mp3 and bluetooth connections.

LOL, I hadn't Even thought of that possibility of using the radio space, for gauges. As far as a retro radio, that WOULD be cool enough, but usually, those are kinda costly & I have a new (still in the box) Pioneer radio, with the USB, MP3 capabilities and such. I was going to put THAT ONE, in my '93 Dakota, but The Swinger won the rights, to that radio, with is the package, complete with 4 speakers. A previous owner had already stuck an after market radio in there, so I don't have the original & so, I am on track, to soon, have my own selection of music, "To Drive By". :thankyou: