SS Springs on 75 Duster

Got the engine fired up around noon...i am sure you all hear
had some carb problems...was using a rebuilt 750 holley.....engine would run for several minutes and then die......sound like it had a vacuum leak some where.....pulled one of the somewhat new 950 holley out of box....carb has been in box for years now.....what we used to run before switching to was pouring out gas out.....needle and seat shot...stole the them from rebuild car as those were new....finally got it all under control......and finished breaking in cam.....

had issue with timing light went engine first started...selector was on 2 stroke engine and the readings had me confused as the rpm and timing was whacked...

going to pull valve covers off tomorrow and run the valves again.....never hurts to check .....need to wrap this one up and move over to the green duster...