My Current Situation

Please, please, don't get the wrong impression. This was not a military thing. If you knew me now, you would know that I'm in no shape for military service. The pacemaker wouldn't get me thru the door. I did 17 years in the Army, that's all they're getting!
But this trip was purely academic. I was in Israel with the University of Cincinnati. I can't share some of the pics or particulars because the research belongs to another PhD candidate. He hasn't yet compiled the data. None of what we did was classified, however we accidentally discovered a vulnerability and that was when the IDF became very interested and involved.
We also discovered a Roman mosaic and Roman graffiti that I can share later. That was also a nice unplanned find. We figured it was at least from 44 CE to 136 CE due to the designs. Smarter people than I will likely excavate the area. There are thousands of archaeological sites throughout the country.
I'm home now, jet lagged and a huge craving for bacon!
