A904-30Rh Fresh Rebuild. No 3rd gear, Please Help

Well you don't actually have to have a vise. Just something to hold it. Or drill a hole in your work bench for the front to stick thru so you can set the drum on it to check it without having it fall over. I wonder how many trans guys read that and are just shaking their heads. You feel good about it you say? That doesn't count when it's so easy to check it. I can't believe anybody would be willing to install this whole thing without taking that step and checking it. Then you can see the clearance and even put some fluid in it and watch for bubbles. I air check every single drum I rebuild BEFORE it goes into the trans. Actually I air check them before I remove the piston because I'm looking for the problem that caused the trans to go out. Sometime I have to install the new clutches first so the piston doesn't come up too far. . . And you STILL don't know your clutch clearance..