Unusual picture

Down is easy, it's the going back up, that often looks a lil clumsy, and hurts in the oddest places.
Ok so some of that I made up for comedic effect.
The truth is I chuck over 5000 pounds of garbage a week, and every bag gets picked up off the ground, often with two hands cuz the bags are so weak or the contents so heavy. From there every bag gets hoisted over my head and dropped into the trailer with sides taller than eye-level. After 3 to 4 hours of this, I get quite a sweat going, and you can often see me working in shirtsleeves in winter.
So if I make myself out to be a lil less than Superman at 66, it's only because I want to be kind to those less BLESSED than am I,lol.
Another truth is this; I get attacked by crap too, just like everybody else. The difference is I recognize the attacks for what they are, and use the Biblically prescribed methods to get rid of thatchit. And every Believer has access to the same prescription. It's not a secret! It's written in the Book for all to read. But you may never hear it from your pastor; go ask him why that is. God doesn't make His children sick. And not often does He make us well. He wrote the get-well method in His Word for all His children to appropriate for themselves. But if you never read the Book, well then, then you only have two tools in the belt, namely prayer and fasting. Lotsa people pray, few fast.
And the problem with prayer is, it has to go thru the second heaven, the domain of principalities, powers, and dark forces, and there are 1/3 of the innumerable heavenly host in that realm, doing everything in their power to either prevent your prayer from getting to the throne-room, or to prevent the answer from getting back to you.
But using the prescribed method can bring instant relief. At least it has for me; and I'm a nobody,for God is no respecter of persons; except I read the Rule-Book, written by the Master, for all His children to live out their allotted days, in health, the greatest Blessing of all.
Think about this; Abraham went up on the mountain to be with his ancestors. There was no feebleness in him, thou he was 120 years old.And there was no dimness in his eyesight. Think about a 120 year old great-great-grandfather going mountain climbing, wearing a toga and sandals, knowing he was never coming back down.........