PLease dump the "Political Forum" - full of hate speech, foul language, place for it.

I like the political forum here because I learned here that I agree with and have very similar political beliefs with people I would have never thought.
I am a non white woman, from a liberal family, graduated from a liberal *** college with professors so liberal, you would swear they all lived with Obama.

Yet, I find I agree with the white, conservative males more often than not because they just make sense. I would have never known this had it not been for this forum and being able to get to know them through their posts. I really wouldn't mind hanging out and chatting in person with most of these guys and I would have never known had I just seen them in passing at some car show, because on the surface we have nothing in common.

You don't have to join the political discussions if you don't want, no one is forcing you. I read more than post in the N&P and I know I can shut it off anytime.

Thanks Rainy! You restored my hope in humanity with this post!!