How many accounts should a member have?

Just found out on another thread that a member here has possibly as many (or more) than 5 accounts on FABO.
There can't be ANY good reason for this, can there?
This information was freely admitted by the member.
I just found out as I'm starting this thread, that the member in question isn't the other account he's claiming to be. Or is he?
This adds up to a ton of crap, and makes one wonder who they can trust.
There is no reason to have more than one account unless you are scamming...or have a mental issue.

On another forum I am a part of, a member was discovered having multiple accounts so he could start threads and have his other personas chime in and argue with each other just to create drama. One of his accounts claimed to be a woman so he could add to the drama when “she” would argue.