Stop in for a cup of coffee

The guy who shot the pics for the car for MCG sent me the package when it was published. I think there were close to 500 pictures.
At first it looked like groups of 20 some pictures all the same shot. I looked closer though and every five or so was just slightly different than the others. Kinda cool!!
Sounds like a formally trained photographer. We were taught to shoot as many as we could with slight variations to ultimately get the perfect shot. Shoot a dozen rolls of film just to capture the one that was “right”.

In the modern world of digital photography, professional photographers take that to the extreme and shoot many hundreds of images in the same pursuit.

Current camera systems often shoot in bursts of 10 shots a few milliseconds apart. I have used it on my digital SLR and captured a single blink of a subjects eye in the 10 frames. One of the 10 is a fully open eye and makes all the difference in the choosing the best image. Model photographers often shoot in multiple bursts of 10 in rapid succession just to get the perfect facial expression.