Need to get my rimblow or my cash back

.....and I don't give a **** if Roy gets his money back from Paypal or not. I came up with the idea to help Roy. I couldn't care less if he used it for beer money. lol It was the thought.....the sentiment of Mopar brotherhood. Helping another out. If somehow he does get a refund, it's up to him how to handle it, not anybody else. I have no doubt though that seeing Roy's posts that he's a good dude and he'd figure out a way to pay it forward to someone else in need. That's how it needs to work......but I honestly don't care. I learned long ago that when you do something for someone, turn it loose. It's kinda like this.......Kitty and I donate to the local Christian Ministries here in Jones County. THey always try to give us a tax deduction slip. I always refuse. If you give something, GIVE IT. It's not giving if you get something in return. That's how we do it anyway. I know others do it differently and that's fine too.