2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Got to come here for the comedy, every few days.

I got a high school buddy that will tree anybody, he runs an old olds cutless, his high school car.
His daughters both run JR dragsters.

They were on the cover of dragzine magazine a month or so ago.
He said the engine blocks for the for the JR dragsters were 5K each, and he only mixes the nitro him self for his girls to run, and the nitro mix gets checked after each run by a track official.

He also said he had to ditch the AC in the cutless when he went to a big cube chevy in it.
Complete nut case but he is fully dedicated to drag racing, and makes the cash to back it up.

We lined up in high school one night at the local track, bet a concession stand hot dog to to the winner.

He treed me bad, but after when he was buying me a hotdog, he said all I heard was that mopar coming fast, at 1/4 track.