Steering Column Reassembly - Gutted?

Finally got the nerve to tackle removing the shifter tube from my steering column and while I have it torn down waiting to be painted and reassembled, I was wondering if there are any components in there that I can leave out. The car is wired as a race car, so it has no turn signals, hazards, doesn't use the ignition switch, etc. and there is no reason for the steering wheel to lock anymore.

I remember seeing when disassembling it that some of the components sit on top of each other, so I was wondering if there is anything I can leave out when I reassemble it. Does the turn signal switch have to go back in? Ignition switch? Steering wheel lock? Let me know if I can leave any or all of these components out. If it all has to go back in, that's fine, but anything I can leave out would be fantastic.