double dog excited- new puppy coming

Thinking back to my original comments I am sure I offened sme pit owners, maybe all pit owners. If so I apologize for that but I stand behind my thoughts and remards in general.
I agree the pit is a loving dog for is family.
Here in this rural area, dogs run loose. Large dog, many times pit/large breed dog cross, found in people cow pastures are shot. They kill and mam calves.
My dogs were killed by 2 pit crosses, and one pure pit. They were either on my property or just out side on the side road.
Our red heeler barks if any dog comes here and the little dashund is right there too. 3 dogs that weighed 100 -125 lbs and a little dog that weighted 7-8bs. It broke its back, internal injuries, killed it and hauled *** home with it.
I don't live in the burbs. This is the sticks. Now my place in fenced, called cattle wire, a little dog can squeeze thru it. Good at good gate.
Legally I can shoot a dog on my property causing harm, If I got on others property and shoot a dog that came over here and killed mine, Tx calls it animal cruelty and fine people $2-3000.
Anyway I d not the any breed dog, but dogs that are large, and can be deadly, need to be kept on their property.
Another thing, this in SE Tx and it can make other redneck parts of the world look tame. I am talking of dog fights, **** fights. It goes on and the neighbor has been in it and maybe still. They throw a little dog in the fighting pen to get the bad dog fired up, and taste blood and the kill. One reason the pit/large dog cross is plentiful here.