73 Dart Swinger "Tetanus"

Man! I'm fired up!!! I've been working through Blake with DIYHEMI and I'm sitting on the edge of firing this monster up. I've go her painted (still gotta fix the clear coat), stainless headers around all steering components clears well, PS return line gets finalized tonight. EVERYTHING clears under the hood. I'm hoping to fire this dog up, tomorrow!!!
How far along are you on yours?

Well.... my engine is targeted to ship from CA in the next couple weeks. So, not real close. But hey, I’m headed in the right direction! LOL.

Actually, I was headed down a whole different direction when I stumbled across the ability to put a new Hemi in. And brother, I am stoked beyond belief!!!

I bought my A body in bad shape. But, I’ve replaced floor pans, sand and primed a bunch of the bad spots, totally refurbished the dash (looks GOOD!), got my Speedhut guages ready to go in. For me right now, next step is finish couple small welds so I can paint interior and engine bay, and then I’m stabbing my new HEMI BABY!

From there, it’s wiring up, wrapping up interior once everything starts and runs, and then enjoying it while I work on exterior finish out.

This thing has consumed me since I bought it and I can’t wait to hear that Hemi purr, know what I mean? Pics are when I first saw it, and now....

Hey, keep up the good work. I’m closely following as I will be just a few weeks behind you!



