Stop in for a cup of coffee

That’s what these images are for....shirts. I have over 50 Mopar images now and with each being 3-4 colors to choose from I will have close to 200 shirt designs available.

The printing on the back is still unknown, it costs a lot extra to do that and I’m not sure people will pay the extra for it. It’s also a helluva a lot of work to do on all the images for something that may not sell well.

I can do a front side shirt shipped for $25 and make a decent profit, but I would have to charge $35 for a two sided shirt to make it worth doing as a business. I’m not sure the market will support that.

That said, I am always willing to do one-off for friends at no profit...just because.
As a business it would be fun.
i could see the popularity at the shows.