Stop in for a cup of coffee

How's this for a kick in the. nuts. Little woman went to OKC to to see the grandkids on Sunday. Goes to bed Monday night with a headache. Doesn't wake up Tuesday.. 911 call.. She's doa when they get there.. WTF!

Wanna talk about ******* up your world.

Me and the critter gots lots of adjusting to do.
Wul ****, Rick. Real real sad here to hear of your loss. Never met Vena but she musta been a helluva good woman. Sweeney bein' an Irish name, I'm glad to think the funeral will involve lots o' story-tellin', lots o' eatin' and the good Lord willin', some drinkin'. That's how us Irish Grays do it anyway. I went over to my huntin' stuff dresser, got out the old flask that says "Peter F. Dickson" on it, hoisted it in the direction o' Texas, said "Bon chance, Vena! Stand yer watch, BenRicky!" and poured down a couple good rips o' the Black Velvet that's been in there for prob'ly 20 years. Hope to see you before long, and we'll hoist a few and I'll get ya' to tell me stories, OK? 'Til then, I know you'll be good for the weight that's befallen ya'.