Question For Military Veterans Using The VA For Their Health Care?

The same thing recently happened with me, over at the VA.
I need to have blood drawn, at the lab, every three months, and every 6 months for analysis, for my bone marrow cancer, and previous prostate cancer.
The phlebotomist, (I call them the vampires) wouldn't draw my blood, as the computer didn't tell her to do so.
I went around and around with her that i have appointments to see both doctors and i have always come in a few days early, to have the blood drawn, for the analysis, so the doctors can tell how i'm doing.
She wouldn't draw the blood, and you can see i have appointments, and what the hell do you think I'm doing here.
So i get a little bit verbal, and raised my voice a bit, to be assertive, and get my point across, and she wouldn't listen to me.
She called the VA police on me, and holy ****, three VA police showed up at the lab.
Make a long story short, the cops get the situation under control, got the blood drawn by another vampire, the blood got analysed, made my doctors appointments, and they told me my numbers were good, for those evaluations.
But what a hassle it turned out to be, for such little chicken, s#*t.
Boy does that sound familiar!
I was told when I check out to make appointments with the lab and the doc. The lab order wasn't in the system yet and the ***** wanted me to call back. I was standing right there, why would I call back to get voice mail when I'm literally 25' from the doctor. Get up off your *** and ask!
I actually wasn't that rude, but you get the idea.