My other Early A ---65 Dart post

Decided to take a look into the cowl and see how bad it is on the 66. Its bad. Ive seen several members tackle this in different ways and still formulating my plan of attack.

I knew I didn't want to just brush some sealer and call it good because the metal is so far gone that there would be no structure for strength. I thought about just welding the grille shut in the upper cowl but water would still get in around the wiper pivots. I need to have working wipers on this car.

Luckily I have other cars to either cut pieces out of or even just use as a reference of the shape needed. I bought a set of snap on brand spot weld cutters which work fairly well as far as I can tell but have no experience to say otherwise. Got a bit carried away and had to stop before there wont be anything left to hold my shape.