318 timing chain.....and why the engine should come out.

I like the the Celica of those years. They remind me of the Datsun sunny. They run forever....sort of. You don’t see them which means they don’t run forever. They are a pretty cool car. Something about a compacts that has the late 60s early 70s lines seems cool. Add a straight six or a turbo on them and they are just fun little cars.

I caught the lightweight fun factor when I got into my first Omni GLH. since then I’ve settled into lightweight and slightly built for the fun factor. The faster cars I’ve had over the years just seemed too much.....the small Japanese cars and even the Miata today has that hands down.
They are really built for the corners and canyon runs. Not too powerful and all the work is done in the suspension.....which also makes them good daily drivers....excellent little cars.

And when they are worn out that far....you really don’t have the worry about them getting trashed a little more. I don’t like how beat up my paint job looks but I do like that I can set a wrench down on the fender or add stuff with a grinder and not care