Blueprint crate 408 long block- combos?

This doesn’t answer the original question, but it is at least related,
I asked Johnny for a forged crank short block the day I saw the Trick Flow heads SEMA video (seems like years ago). The demand needs to be there so that they can buy parts in enough quantity. They can sell enough cast versions that they can buy quantities that allow them to offer the prices they do.
Forged,- not so much. People needing forged want to go racing. People that go racing don’t want to buy a “cookie cutter “ engine because of the stigma. Remember how many poo poo’d the 1st few guys here that were looking at Blueprint, even for street offerings? Johnnys openness and helpful attitude went a long way to turn that stigma around, but enough to start offering increased performance options? Hopefully we start to find out.
You get it 100% buddy!