computer program help needed

I'm a total computer illeterate. I'm looking for a cheap and simple inventory program, that will run on an older laptop with Windows XP.
I have a ton of car parts. some new, most old/used, 99% mopar. I'm in the process of organizing them, and would like to have a computer inventory, that can show price paid, when/where purchased, and location, such as building, and bin/shelf.
Any recomendations. Thanks.

Charlie, for building spread sheets to do a computerized inventory you want an Excel program. There are sites that you can go to on the internet and down load free copies of Excel that are compatible with XP, but in your case I would not do that. In todays world I would not download from any site unless my anti virus and operating system was up-to-date. The problem with your XP operating system is that Microsoft no longer provides updates and patches for XP, so it is very vulnerable. Hackers and internet thiefs look for operating systems like XP to exploit. If you have an up to date anti virus, you may be OK. But I don't know that there are anti virus programs that support XP,,.

In your case I would look for a local independent second hand computer store or computer repair store, they may have a copy of XP - Excel they could load on your computer.

If you do get Excel, I would be more than happy to help you get started using it.