904 throttle pressure questions

oldkimmer, i got to try the trans this weekend and heres what I found before I ran out of time. First I was able to fit up a turnbuckle that I bolted to the ear on the side of the trans and moved the arm all the way back. The pressure went to just over 125 PSI. I took it for a test drive and the 1st to 2nd shift was no different and i went up to about 4500 before the shift. The 2nd to 3rd feels much firmer.
First I need to correct the convertor stall from my first post. I stated it to be a 3800 but its actually a 3200 made by Dynamic.
Next, I contacted the guy that built the trans and he said the shift kit would be a Transco, the valve body is a stock with changes made to make it a manual shift. He also said that the valve body can be put back to a stock shifting on its own style so I assume not major changes were done.
The guy I had build this trans is a good guy but has different beliefs then I do. He doesnt like a trans that has a harse shift and when he races his car he just puts it in drive and lets it shift itself. He also continues to tell me that I wont get a harse shift unless I go to a reverse valve body and also since its a 904 it will be softer as well. Im not buying that but will see what your thoughts are on this.
So a few additional questions:

What affect will the convertor have on the shifting. Do I need to be above the 3200 stall of the convertor to get a solid shift?
Do you think I will need to change kits? Change valve body's?
Is it possible to get what I want to feel. Ive had 727's, 350 Turbo trans and 2004R trans that all had good shifts like im looking for and they all had higher then stack stall convertors.
Thanks for any info you can add.
Thanks Rod