just one more cam selection thread

Is the engine together ? if yes ,it makes it easier if you know the current cranking cylinder pressure and Intake closing angle.
If not together, then have you figured out the exact compression ratio?
The compression ratio and available gas can be used to generate an optimum Ica within about +/- 3 degrees for a cam with an advertised .008 to .006 published number.
The optimum number may provide optimum power and exciting bottom-end take-off.
Straying too far from that optimum number sometimes generates disappointing bottom-end which then requires other measures like a hi-stall TC and ugly street gears occasionally leading to an overdrive; all of which are additional expenses.
IMO, fixing the Scr for to be able to use the cam that best suits your wants is ,in the end, the cheapest solution.
The stock 8/1 advertised LA360 doesn't fare all that well when up-caming, especially when stuck with 3.23 gears and near-stock stall TC. I read where you said heads cut .045, so that is a step in the right direction, but will it be enough..........