Advice on ‘74 Duster

That’s a heat shield on the overflow, not duct tape (check the lower picture). The radiator looks like a 22”, and it has the right outlet for a V8 radiator. It’s not a 19” /6 rad. It’s not a 26” like you’d find on the later AC cars but plenty of the V8 cars did fine with 22”. Lack of a battery hold down is an issue, but it may have just been an oversight. Maybe the battery needed a charge or was recently replaced, hard to say it’s always been like that from a couple pictures.

The car isn’t perfect by any means, I think those giant MSD boxes are completely unnecessary nowadays, way better and cleaner options available. But I don’t think “cobbled together” is a fair statement either based on the pictures.

I thought the same thing at first that it was duct tape and upon looking closer I realized the same that it was a heat shield to protect it from the radiator.
As far as a MSD box I have absolutely 0 experience with those and only know it is ignition related.
I also thought maybe the radiator was a little to small but wasn’t too concerned about it he says it runs 180 all the time.
I’ll definitely be climbing all over in and out and under this car before I lay out my hard earned cash. From the pics and videos it looks like a solid car but again you just never know.
I appreciate everyone’s insight, advice and tips, thank you.