Lost my best friend yesterday

I'm not a real emotional person in general. But I cried like a baby when he closed his eyes. Reading all the thoughts and prayers,and similar experiences from a bunch of people I've never met in person, has kinda renewed my faith in mankind, and is really weighing heavy on my heart. Seems we all have more in common that we love then just our mopars. Thanks so much to all of you, losing Jake was literally like losing a family member. Sad watching the cats and our yellow lab pup all looking around for their big old buddy. God bless all of you!!!!! Thanks again

No shame in crying for your dog. If you didn't cry, I'd think you really didn't care for the animal.

I always say these dogs and cats and whatever are just like family. People who don't understand that can't be trusted. They add so much to daily life you can't measure it.

When they are gone, there is a giant hole.

Godspeed Jake.