68 valiant signet

it's been a while and lots has changed re the valiant. firstly the 383/727 has been sold.
i need to get the garage up over the road from my house on the land i bought from my neighbour. this needs a slab of concrete to stand on and selling the engine will pay for that. my thoughts were i can always buy another engine later on but i need the 2nd garage to store my wedding car so.....
anyway friday i'm collecting a 318 small block from leighton buzzard and on the way home a toyota supra 5 speed manual trans from ilford. the mopar bellhousing, flywheel and clutch will be collected once it's out of the only other 68 valiant in the uk (coincidentally) that's getting an sfi approved bellhousing etc for racing. i'll need a toyota centre plate for the clutch but i'd rather that was new anyway. it goes without saying i'll be making an adapter plate for the toyota trans.
all of this still leaves enough left over for the concrete slab as i have a cement mixer and can do it myself with only the ballast and cement to buy (already got 5 bags of cement for £10 the wife found me on faceache.