Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I tried to hurt myself today, but the old dog survived.
I was out in the garage and saw a couple little pinhead size chips I wanted to hit.
Usually I open the garage door, or turn the floor fan on when I paint.
Not today, knew it was only a few minutes, had the garage AC going, and was in a hurry.
Well the mixed can of car paint which I was holding for ten minutes really needs ventilation, or I need a mask.
Anyway 30 minutes later I got a gord splitting worst ever headache which lasted a couple hours.
Which was a couple hours laying of the couch, in the dark, breathing from my CPAP...LOL!!
I learned a lesson!! Don't take that crap for granted!!
You are to ornery to die in a paint booth! Hah! You best heal up you need your A game for Carlisle!