You know when the thought just, accidentally, slips out of your mouth?

The other day Mt GF did sumpin' to really piss me off, I said to her "that's one", she says, what's that mean? so I tell her the story.
The farmer and his ol' lady are going to town about 12 miles away in a one horse carriage for supplies, they leave the house and git about 2 miles down the road and the horse starts bucking an raisin' hell.
The farmer gets out and walks up to the horse and slaps it up the side of the head and say's that's one. The farmer gets back in the buckboard and He and his ol' lady go about 2 more miles down the road and the horse starts to buck and shake and tries to spit the bit, the farmer gits out again and walks up to the horse knocks it right between the eyes and says that's two,they travel on, another mile or so the same S__t, the farmer get's out again, walks up to the horse and shoots it right between the eyes, the horse drops dead, the farmer walks back to the buckboard, hops up and the ol' lady is screaming bloody murder, "ya stupid SOB, ya just shot the horse, how we gonna get to town and back, your one dumb SOB, why did I ever marry your stupid ***!. The farmer turns to her with deadpan eyes and says, "That's One"