Spring Pressures. Solid roller lifter on a hyd roller cam.

It would skip across the lobe ...on an aggressive solid roller...not a hyd profile though.
I run a Doug Herbert 575 [email protected] 108
K motion K800 springs 225/485 , morel street .750 wheel roller lifters stay put. Maybe at 7200+ they wouldn't....but I dont run it there.
Imo 675 is a TON. But if you're talking about .640-.720 lift... I agree with that.
'Enough' is what you want, 'too much' is just a drag.
Again, it depends on the grind and its wheel.
Crower likes a lot. Got it. I'll run whatever the cam grinder tells me, so if I ever run a crower... I will follow your recommendation and expect you to have the parts to make that happen. :)

Lift is not the reason for more pressure. It is based on all the derivatives or the curve. Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk, and Snap.