Lightning strike-------Yikes------------------

My brother’s first house was on the highest part of an open former farm field. The builder didn’t put in a lightning protection system and their chimney got hit during their second year (it blew the top portion completely off). He asked me to design/install a LPS for them and I did. As I was reviewing the costs with them, the wife asked how it worked. After I said that it created a strong ground path to conduct the lightning safely away, she was appalled that it meant that lightning would still strike their house. Then I told her that not only would lightning still strike, it would likely strike them more frequently, but that no damage would be inflicted. She nixed that plan right then and there. Did she think there was some magic spell to keep lightning away??! Their neighbor’s house burned to the ground two years later after another lightning strike. She just buried her head in the sand and prayed. My brother said that he wouldn’t try to change her mind. Another example of how someone with a college degree didn’t know very much about the physical world.