340 cam specs?

you want to compare the Manual 340 cam you can directly compare with DC and Engle or just add 10 degrees for Crane and the "white box" cams so for DCL purposes let's call the 4 speed cam a 289-

With the power of a [email protected], or less IIRC,
making the monkey motion really really long; how sad is that!
But back in 1970 when I got my first 340 car, man that was power!
But it was a trick...
Those E70-14 polyglass tires under it, were like rollerskates.
So even if you didn't have big power, you sure thought you did..at least I did, but I was only 17
Good thing we all had those tires so the playing field was mostly level.

My next cam will be a solid FT, no question about it.