How Do You Feel Upon Rising in the Morning?

54 years old got the widow maker scraped out and a stent a couple years back I wake up old and tired but hit the shower and make the best of it. I am maintenance man for a medium sized prototype shop and can still out work most of the 20-30 something year olds in the shop. Yeah so maybe we are a bunch of old F**KS but look around not too many youngsters doing the things most of our age do for work, We are the what I feel are a dying breed. Where are all of the tool and die makers? I DON'T mean CNC button pushers I mean the tool and die makers that put their hands on the handles and quills of a Bridgeport and made things.
But before anybody jumps on this and says Dont pick on me, Repair or rebuild some thing by pushing a button. Like something REAL simple a single barrel carb. and I also prefer to drive MY car using this method:steering: Suns out time to go get something done :usflag: