People who let rare cars rot.

Maybe it’s only me, but I try to have a different approach when I stop to ask about a car. Instead of trying to buy it outright, I ask about it, I ask about the owner, how long they’ve had it, what their plans are for it, and whether they’d be interested in selling it. If they’re not selling, I offer up that I am in the hobby and maybe they would like help with their plans for it. I’ve helped many a person try to reach their goal, whether it’s bringing it back to life, or just covering it up. Every bodies situation is unique, and I try to respect that.

On the flip side, sometimes you do get the car. Buying one from an original owner is sometimes very rewarding for both sides. We bought Nellas car from the original owner. We told him what we could pay, and what our plans would be for it. He had higher offers than ours, but he felt that it was going to be in good hands. True to our word, we do things and stop by there when we can to show them our progress. They love to sit in it and take pictures of themselves in it. They don’t want it back, they are glad that it’s being loved like they loved it. I could’ve easily been one of those with a higher offer and been refused, but I think my approach of respecting their situation has always yielded benefits, and a lot of new friends.
