(Perspective) You never know

Yeah, some people are more blessed than others, but even movie stars get ugly sooner or later."hahahahahah LOL"
Try an imagine what Abraham liiked like, or Sarah; yet she bore Abie a son in her 100th year. Even God called that long past the womb's prime.
Or Noah, or his ancestors.Noah got wives for his boys from Methuselah's grandchildren. Methuselah is recorded as 969 years, the oldest among them. Adam made it to 930. Our 70 years,80 if by reason of good health, seem miniscule next to those numbers.Vegetarian living mighta been good for something.

how old was Sarah in Genesis 20, when Abraham lied about her being his wife?
or Rebekah, in genesis 26, when Isaac follows in his fathers footsteps?

imagine what those women looked like (I betcha they were stickfigures like @dibbons granny)