People who let rare cars rot.

Starts to get really lame when people make excuses for people just because they know them and they're friends. 10 posts later, new story everytime. Ooookayyyyy...see where this keeps trying to be detoured. People tryin to make themselves feel warm n fuzzy...but its simply their confliction with having and actuallysaving/preserving.
Denial, delusion and after a while it's headed down the fast lane of squander.
Greed of old cars you cant fix or afford to...They hope their kids will value them when you die... they flip them for next to nothing to parts yards or crush'em. If no kids.... all squandered out the tail pipe.
Now let's talk mini parmesan n jack cheezits.... man they don't last long round here! A little green onion dip... mmm mmm

Well, you're not going to get people to understand you didn't mean anything personally. You and I are somewhat a like in that when we're passionate about something it "just comes out how it comes out" and lots of times it's taken in the wrong context. I think it was @AdamR that told @inkjunkie once that "it's just the internet" and that's true. If people see what they think is something unkind coming off my keyboard, there's a 99% or more chance either they are misinterpreting it or it's tongue in cheek.........or both. So that's kinda "their problem".

BUt most have gotten to know me around here and know I would never mean anything hateful. That's just not in me.