People who let rare cars rot.

Doent matter how many times you try to tell someone... they only hear/read what they wanna here/read.

Look here my not so much friend... you and the others that flipped out and took it personal are what's wrong with our country and this hobby. As a matter of fact... you are the very trolls I speak of in my signature. Doh.... it is your bunch who seeks to be offended, and that's the real sad return to the thread multiple times lingering for more to get upset about. Honestly at this point . idgara...and really.. neither should you. Dont waste anymore time in this thread. Go enjoy your insecure self and your rotting 40 cars in the field.
Flipped out?
Quite the contrary.
You comment on everyone else's thoughts on the topic and choose to agree or disagree with them and bash the ones that don't agree 100% with you and patronize the ones that do.
You're quite the piece of work..........
The more you post, the more everyone will realize this!
Judge, jury, and executioner all in one from the comfort of your keyboard!