help with top installation.

I attached the sail panels using tape to keep it tight and then laid down my side tack strips and marked it just a bit bigger I didn't cut mine till I actually had it pulled tight and mounted (with the front header bow raised) and all the wrinkles pulled out of the top. I only put in 2 screws on the side tack strips to locate the strips and top to make sure it was (1)tight as I could pull it with the front header raised a bit (2) wrinkle free. (3) yes, I did have to take the 2 screws out and move them but thankfully it was a horizontal move not a vertical one since the metal tack strips were only 1/2 wide. how are your front header seal and side wing pieces?
So you were a great help in getting me started with the top. I now have a few questions that I hope you can help me with. Where does the tie down wire attach at the back? I see the connections on the front window weather strip holder but not the back. Also which end will have the spring ?. Also I have only temporarily connected to the front header. I am wondering how the corners should be dealt with. Any information you can give me will be appreciated, or you could just come to Campbell River on Vancouver Island in B.C. Canada and show me how.