People who let rare cars rot.

I tought I would mention that the Sport above sat for 25 years as it is pictured in the city right at the mall. He would not sell the car. he never covered the holes in the hood . The city finally towed it away. It was sold by the tow company for $500. I just thought the owner finally sold it to someone.

The buyer lived near me and he left it sit in a field. About 5 yrs after he bought it. I saw it through the brush in the fall when the weeds were down. It was the Pink that caught my Eye. No one was ever there. Finally one day he came to my garage to see if I could get it running. It was to late the fresh motor became victim to the elements. He sold it to me for $800.

But because the car sat on the city street the body was rust free. Jim wanted the car so he bought it for what I paid. he didn't low ball me.

This is how I see it. Many people want to buy the rusty cars and have no clue what it takes to stop rust when they are swelling at the seams. They are junk, I will not sell those cars to someone that say they want to fix it. That is the same line I use to talk owners out of their babies.
Most of the time they want them to bring to Carlisle in parts. I have see to many times parts from cars I sold at Carlisle. I sold them to people who said they have been looking for a long time for just this car . I sell them cheap and see them stripped for the hobby. After this happening several times I came to the conclusion I'll strip them and sell the parts myself

You all walk around Carlisle and buy used parts. there are thousands there. Do any of you confront any of them and ask them where they got the parts. They didn't fall out of the sky. None of you would say anything to anyone in person. But online you all have big mouths. I'll say what I have to say to your face. Just like I type on line but you will get all my words. I won't hold back because I really don't give a rats *** what anyone thinks . And I am not a pussy that has to hide behind the key board.

I don't care what anyone thinks of me. As far as I am concerned as stated above by the members who see things for what really they are . Once they are in my hands I will decide if they are worth fixing. I become their god, If they haven't led a good life they go straight to hell from here .

I am sure the guys will stop in and we will laugh our asses off on how many of you I upset. I have a blast trying to show people the real world as I do wearing my trump hats and shirts to the show. I received many hand shakes but it was the angry glares and comments I like. They can start some face to face interesting conversations .

Here is where that deck lid came from and you all were concerned about the dart?. That is the motor from the primered Dart . That scamp was a parts car. The car had no rust but why would it be a car to part out. Can any of you see what is wrong with it that it had to be stripped? I could not believe what they did to this car . I had the title. I used the cowl every part was saved except the trunk lid. It became a victim of circumstance.





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