Most Difficult Web-site to Navigate?

A Bodies site works excellent, we all get to do our own little web site with our A body Builds. I use to pay 100.00 a year to get the same amount of data up on the internet for a simple 5 page web site, and it was very very limited.

Joey is doing s great job keeping it up and running, just about zero down time. No easy task. He also helps if you have questions.

Take a spin over to B Bodys Only, the A body site works way better than that one, B body site function wise is years out of date behind the times.

Like being on this A body site lots, so many great people with the same mind set. Helping each other out, enjoying the cars and sharing life experiences.

Give it some time and navigate one thing at a time, then keep trying the Forums, General Discussions, Mopar General Discussions.

Tell someone you like their post, this will open the door for you to other conversations. Share what you know, even if it is only in text till you get the rest of the site figured out.

We all started not knowing the site, now it has become almost second nature for the most of us.

You will figure it out . . .