Prayers For toolmanmike....

Just a quick update. Thanks to all of you for your support prayers and well-wishes. Let me tell you this, they give you some really good stuff when they operate on you but as soon as that wears off then reality sets in. I had a rough morning this morning had a hard time breathing, very shallow and if you cough it just about kills you but then I needed to cough because I had some phlegm in my throat but all is getting better once we got on top of the pain meds. I've been sitting up in a chair for a few hours at a time and I'm breathing through one of these little machines and doing quite well I'm doing a better job of transitioning between the bed and the chair without hurting a lot. I have 3 drain tubes am I a Boleyn they're about the size Paradigm or maybe a penny and hopefully those will come out in a day or two two of them go up in between your rib cage and your lungs so it really hurts on both sides your ribs when you have to cough or even the hiccups LOL. They say I'm really doing very very well for just getting out of surgery yesterday afternoon so if that's good news thanks again for all your support guys it really means a lot.

Sounds rough... Hang in there buddy....