R134A ?

I bought 2 cans of R134 at HEB in Texas, I **** when I saw the price of $5 and change each. They are $19/e for a 12oz can in California (you get $10 back when you return the can...? So stupid) IIRC the same HCFC stuff is in Dustoff, you know the large 14oz cans of compressed air for computer blow outs? Get a side tapper and go to town for under $6. My work truck has a slow valve leak and they wont fix it, so I just 'slug' it with 50 psi of liquid propane (fill with camp bottle inverted) F'n cools like magic (its R290/CARE 40) ) and its non ozone depleting. Dangerous? I got 32 gallons of liquid gas under 55 psi riding on top of the hot block at all times, and I sat on 27 "gallons" of 3600 psi CNG in my old van. Here is a quote from an HVAC guy..."Shunning a great refrigerant (R290 -propane) simply due to handling issues is silly. HC based refrigerants not only are more efficient (look it up!) but do not require special oils, don't acidify over time, and don't pollute nearly as much as the others. Get informed before you comment (that its dangerous...) . You likely sit on 80 litres of fuel in your car every day. How can that be considered "safe"?"