Anyone else hate the 'Fast and Furious' movies?

The first movie....Calling Nitrous Oxide Naaawss was dumb as ****.
Weed wacker sounding 4 cylinder Hondas and VWs that sounded terrible.
The only cool car in the entire movie was the '70 Charger at the end.
Most of the movie had cartoonish neon lights under the cars, more chrome than a lowrider cruise night, 26 speed manual transmissions and those "Naaaaws" buttons as previously mentioned.
The second movie had only Paul Walker from the first movie and again, silly looking cars for the two male lead roles.
Third movie: Only a quickie cameo of Vin Diesel at the very end. Again, mostly import cars.
Fourth movie: Big changes. More American cars AND a cultural shift. It is as if the franchise took a Liberal influenced class in diversity because they now had White people, Black people, Puerto Ricans, an Asian guy....

We caint have too many honkys in somethin. They're the devil.