identify torque converter 727

All the information I've got doesn't show that stamping number and in another reference book for E bodies, nothing there either. It appears that it has the 1" wide ring gear which would make it a 11" converter. It has been apart(converter is painted & factory converters aren't), and it also looks like an anti-ballooning plate has been added to the hub area. From this, I would suspect that it was at one time, a performance converter of some type, but built by who I couldn't tell you. It's a good possibility that the number stamped is the builders part number. The hub in my opinion is in not good condition, and you might consider just getting the converter rebuilt. On any used converter, you don't know what you've got. It could be a good one, or it could be a time bomb. Over the years I worked in the converter industry, most performance converters we opened up for inspection were in need of some type of maintenance. The Torrington bearings inside were usually in poor condition, and even on just a cleanout, they were replaced with new ones, and the one way roller clutch(the sprag) was tended to also. Without it opened up, you just don't know.
I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck.